Meeting documents

SSDC District Executive
Thursday, 7th July, 2016 9.30 am

  • Meeting of District Executive, Thursday 7th July 2016 9.30 am (Item 30.)




That District Executive:-



noted the outturn position of £16,979,214  (an under spend of £802,716) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2015/16 financial year as shown in paragraphs 5-6;




approved the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by Management Board in Appendix B into the 2016/17 budgets;




approved all overspends are funded from general balances;




noted the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 18;




noted the use of general fund balances in paragraph 19 and approved the transfer of £1,300,000 to the Transformation Reserve & £1,292,000 to the NNDR Volatility Reserve;




noted the transfers to and from balances outlined in paragraph 22;




noted the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 23;



noted the virements in Appendix G;




noted the stock write offs detailed in paragraph 26.


To inform Members of the actual spend against budgets for the 2015/16 financial year.



The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) advised that although the revenue budget underspend was less than the previous year, there had been savings due to vacant staff posts and recovery of housing benefit overpayments.  Following the recruitment of 4 additional staff in the Revenues and Benefits service, the collection of Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates had increased. 


It was noted that the Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) had attended the Scrutiny Committee meeting and had confirmed their questions relating to the shortfall in income streams and confirmed that a report would be presented regarding advertising on the web and the SSDC Canteen for a Member decision. 


During discussion, it was confirmed that none of the vacant posts held were professional officer posts and that administrative posts were pending the Transformation Programme which was looking at cross-service support.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report.



That District Executive:-



noted the outturn position of £16,979,214  (an under spend of £802,716) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2015/16 financial year as shown in paragraphs 5-6;




approved the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by Management Board in Appendix B into the 2016/17 budgets;




approved all overspends are funded from general balances;




noted the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 18;




noted the use of general fund balances in paragraph 19 and approved the transfer of £1,300,000 to the Transformation Reserve & £1,292,000 to the NNDR Volatility Reserve;




noted the transfers to and from balances outlined in paragraph 22;




noted the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 23;



noted the virements in Appendix G;




noted the stock write offs detailed in paragraph 26.


To inform Members of the actual spend against budgets for the 2015/16 financial year.


Supporting documents: